OWASP Top 10 Security Concerns In 2017

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DocumentationZK Developer's ReferenceSecurity TipsOWASP Top 10 Security Concerns In 2017
OWASP Top 10 Security Concerns In 2017

What is the OWASP Top 10?

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide not-for-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software. The OWASP Top 10 2017 is a powerful awareness document for web application security that presents a list of the 10 most critical web application security risks. The most recent edition of this document was published in 2017.

OWASP Top 10 in 2017

In the subsections that follow, we provide our statements against each of the top 10 security risks. Interested parties are encouraged to visit OWASP to see this document in full, or other abundant web resources for more information about each security risk. Depending on the nature of vulnerability, a front-end framework such as ZK is not the source of weaknesses that need to be strengthened. Application developers need to understand the vulnerabilities leading to the possible exploits attackers may choose to target your system. With that knowledge, software authors can take preventative measures to mitigate these threats.

(A1) Injection

ZK has no assumption about any 3rd party technologies, and cannot cover their required escaping syntax. This security risk needs to be addressed during application development where untrusted data were utilized in conjunction with an interpreter. For example, to prevent SQL injection, user data should not be used to construct SQL command directly; instead, parameterized queries should be used.

(A2) Broken Authentication

Since ZK does not provide any login mechanism, it is up to developers to choose and secure user authentication management mechanism on their own.

(A3) Sensitive Data Exposure

Developers have full control over which data is displayed in a zul page, and must avoid exposing sensitive data. Internal resources should be stored in a non-webapp accessible location, such as below the WEB-INF folder.

(A4) XML External Entities (XXE)

Since the framework main purpose is client-server communication inside a web page, ZK itself doesn't access XML based services or downstream integrations. It is up to the application developer to exercise judgement when implementing these sources if appropriate in their design. Since this treatment will be done in the business layer of the application, it is not impacted by ZK.

(A5) Broken Access Control

As a layout and communication framework, ZK isn't concerned by access control. Access control should be handled by the developer. One way of handling it can be done at a lower level by leveraging an existing web application access and security framework such as Spring security. Since ZK server code uses Java, authentication and access tokens provided by the security framework can be used in the business layer to make access control decision.

(A6) Security Misconfiguration

Security misconfiguration can happen at any level of an application stack, including the platform, web server, application server, database, framework, and custom code. Developers and system administrators need to work together to ensure that the entire stack is configured properly.

(A7) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Please see our tips on how to deal with this security issue in ZK.

(A8) Insecure Deserialization

ZK doesn't store states on the client. The client UI is a representation of the abstract page located on server side, which cannot be tampered with by the user. User actions trigger events listeners and values updates on the component used in this page. ZK components check for data consistency and will throw exceptions if an illegal request is made by the client such as trying to select a non-existent item in a list. However, the developer should consider all client content suspect by default and leverage ZK validators as well as implementing their own consistency checks to make sure that incoming data match expectations. The developer should also avoid storing state themselves on client side.

(A9) Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

ZK addresses known vulnerabilities at high priority. Once identified, we provide updates and patches as soon as possible. Hence, it is recommended to upgrade to the latest version when it becomes available.

(A10) Insufficient Logging & Monitoring

ZK provides logging for Framework related actions, warnings, exceptions and errors covering topics ranging from resources loaded by the framework to illegal operations on ZK components. Logging relative to the business layer of an individual application should be implemented by the application developer. Since ZK server is Java based, developers can leverage any log infrastructure fulfilling their requirement, such as slf4j.

Last Update : 2024/05/10

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